Send a Kid to Camp

Help a child find the joy of Y summer camp


A summer at a South Shore YMCA day or overnight camps can be a life-altering experience for a kid. At Y camp, children build new friendships, explore the outdoors, and discover more about themselves and the world around them.

Camp can be crucial to educational achievement, too. Children who do not attend quality formalized summer programs run the risk of lagging behind their school classmates in the fall. Summer learning loss can lead to achievement gaps for many children.

For many kids, camp is unattainable without your support. When you donate to send a kid to Y camp, you provide access and opportunity, and you give a kid a chance.

If it wasn’t for the generosity of Send a Kid to Camp donors my sons would not have been able to return to camp as they have.


“My boys have attended Camp Burgess since ages 8 and 10. They were full-paying campers until our household fell into financial ruin due to a divorce that left me a single parent to three children, one battling cancer and another in the grips of multiple debilitating illnesses. My oldest son joined the CIT program last summer after missing two seasons due to cancer treatments. Returning to Camp Burgess was a great joy and a huge milestone for him. To say Camp Burgess means the world to my sons would be a huge understatement. It has been, hands down, the best two weeks of the year for both of them since the first summer they attended camp. If it wasn’t for the generosity of Send a Kid to Camp donors my sons would not have been able to return to camp as they have.”


  • SSYMCA Camp Gordon Clark, Hanover
  • SSYMCA Match Point Tennis Camp, Hanover
  • SSYMCA ArtsCamp, Hanover
  • SSYMCA Nature Adventures Camp, Norwell, MA
  • SSYMCA Camp Quirk, Quincy, MA
  • SSYMCA Camp Burgess & Hayward, Sandwich, MA


For additional information about the Send a Kid to Camp Appeal:

Mary Orne, Chief Development Officer
(781) 264-9453.

Send a Kid to Camp Today!

When you donate to send a kid to camp, you provide access and opportunity, and you give a kid a chance. Donate