SUNDAY STORM HOURS: Emilson Y & Hale Family Y will open 12-6pm on Sunday 2/9 due to storm. Visit for details


Donate Online

Checks may also be mailed to: South Shore YMCA, 79 Coddington St., Quincy, MA 02169. If you are experiencing any difficulties, contact Mary Orne, Chief Development Officer, at 781-264-9453 or

The South Shore YMCA also accepts gifts through Donor-Advised Funds. If you would prefer to make your gift through your donor-advised fund, see details below.

Donor Advised Funds

If you would prefer to make your gift through your donor-advised fund, we welcome you to do so through DAF Direct.

Click Here for DAF Direct

Contact Us

For questions or more information, contact Mary Orne, Chief Development Officer at 781-264-9453.

Donations can be mailed to:

South Shore YMCA
ATTN: Development
79 Coddington Street
Quincy, MA 02169