Emilson YMCA whirlpool will be closed until further notice.



Here, teens are surrounded by peers and positive role models in a place where they truly belong. Recreational activities and volunteering opportunities offer focused fun to help teens become their best selves.

Teen Success

Empowering our youth to prepare for their future and become leaders is the goal of Teen Success. This program offers guidance on college and trade school application processes, helps navigate financial aid and FAFSA, and provides opportunities for students to visit local campuses. Mock interviews and resume writing workshops prepare them for first jobs. Mentoring programs staffed by successful local professionals and leaders, teens can explore their dreams and make plans to achieve them in a positive, healthy environment.



Teen Nights

Each week throughout the school year, we offer Teen Night. A fun and safe environment where teens participate in neighborhood scavenger hunts, sports games, board games, outdoor activities, dance competitions and much more.

Open Night Basketball

Open to youth of all ages who like to be active, players work with staff to learn the rules, run drills, and enjoy the game of basketball. Kids form leagues and create their own teams to compete in an end-of-program Championship Game! Open Night Basketball is offered two evenings a week throughout the summer.

Teen Employment

One of the best ways to engage teens and help them become productive members of society is through employment. Throughout summer camp and school vacation weeks, we employ approximately 30 teens to work with our staff and younger children. Most of our teen staffers were once campers with us!

Camp Volunteer Opportunities

Each summer, we offer teens the opportunity to volunteer at the Quincy YMCA day camps and stay involved in the fun and excitement of camp. Our Peer Leader program is for students going into Grades 6-9. Teens between the ages 15-17 may also fill a volunteer packet for summer volunteering. Youth volunteers are trained to assist camp counselors with activities such as arts, games, swimming, water fun, sports, cooking and dance. They can stay in groups of their peers or gain leadership skills by helping our camp staff plan activities for the younger camp groups. Most of our teens become a big part of the GNC family and return each year, eventually becoming part of our staff.


Contact us for information on teen programs, mentoring or volunteering at the Germantown Neighborhood Center.

Contact Us
I see the happiness, the family, and everybody working together as a community. This place helped me open up. They helped me realize who I was and who I wanted to become. I feel like I can be a leader, and that’s what they showed me that I can do. I’m going to college for early education I’ve had so much support that I want to give back and show everybody what it means to rise up against all odds and actually do what you are supposed to you. It has definitely changed my life. Danielle


To support programs that support and foster the best in kids and help them become leaders, please give to the South Shore YMCA. Because you give, we can give back.
