Emilson YMCA whirlpool will be closed until further notice.

South Shore YMCA Feeding Neighbors in Need with SandBox Medical

Posted: Jan. 20, 2021

South Shore YMCA, SandBox Medical, LLC and Katsiroubas Brothers Team Up to Feed Quincy, Norwell, and Hanover Neighbors [In Photo: Katelyn Szafir, Associate Executive Director, Emilson YMCA, Nick Duggan and David Swan of Katsiroubas Bros, Lori Wood, Lisa Grant, Garret Olson, Eileen Gay and Read McCarty of Sandbox Medical, LLC.] 


On January 20, the South Shore YMCA team helped deliver meals and healthy produce to help feed Quincy, Norwell and Hanover neighbors in need, all thanks to the generous support of longtime Y supporters and board members, Jack and Kathie McDonough, along with Eileen Gay and her colleagues at SandBox Medical, LLC.

The McDonoughs donated 100 chicken pot pies made by Main Course in Canton, who have prepared pies for neighbors of the South Shore YMCA Germantown Neighborhood Center for years.

Y Members Eileen Gay and her husband Read McCarty, co-founders of SandBox Medical, asked the SSYMCA, how could they help local residents in need?  The opportunity to contribute 100 nourishing fresh produce boxes from our friends at Katisroubas Brothers was a perfect fit.

“By donating to the Y, we know our contributions help South Shore families facing overwhelming challenges due to the pandemic, like feeding their children and families,” said Eileen Gay, co-founder, and partner, SandBox Medical, LLC.

“We’re grateful we can make a donation and hope other local businesses will join in and contribute at this time of tremendous need,” added SandBox Medical co-founder and partner, Read McCarty. “There is little we can do in person during these times, but we can help neighbors in need by supporting the SSYMCA!”

The effort was coordinated by the team at South Shore YMCA who delivered these healthy meals and produce boxes to local residents with the help of our partners at the Bethany Apartments in Hanover, Rehoboth House in Norwell, NeighborWorks residences in Quincy, and Quincy senior housing and adults with disabilities.

“During this time of food insecurity, our tenants have benefitted greatly from the generosity of the Y. Produce is costly at supermarkets, and this delivery helps to ensure access to healthy food for our tenants. Much appreciated!” Donna Ackerman, Quincy Director, NeighborWorks Housing Solutions.

“We’re so thrilled to be able to help these residents, providing them with beautiful fresh produce and meals for them and their families,” said Mary Orne, Vice President of Development, South Shore YMCA. “Thank you to the McDonoughs, Eileen Gay, Read McCarty, and the team at SandBox Medical for all they have done today for the adults and families that were served. The work they do is a gift to so many in the communities that we serve at the Y.”

To learn more about SandBox Medical, visit sandboxmedical.com


Support the Y to Support your Community

When you donate to the South Shore YMCA, you help provide programs, community services, nourishing food, clothing and more to our neighbors in need.
