On Monday 7/15 the Emilson Y gymnasium/basketball courts will be closed today from 2:30-5pm
Indoor Lap Pool at Emilson Y will be closed Wed 7/17 7:15am-11am

Fall Prevention with the South Shore YMCA

Posted: Sep. 01, 2022 LEARN MORE

One in four older Americans has a fall every year. Falls are the leading cause of injuries for people over the age of 65. These startling statistics are why the National Council on Aging (NCOA) has deemed September as National Falls Prevention Month.

Falling and fear of falling may prevent older adults from staying active, which leads to reduced mobility, diminished quality of life, and increases their risk of falling. Falls are highly preventable, and help is available for older adults and their families who want to get active. At the South Shore YMCA, we offer multiple wellness programs to build strong balance and prevent falls.

NCOA has 6 steps older adults can take to reduce their risk of falling:

  • Find a good balance and exercise program – Group exercise classes like Tai Chi and Chair Yoga help build balance, strength, and flexibility—all key in preventing falls. For class times and details, visit ssymca.org/schedules.
  • Talk to Your Health Care Provider – Share any history of falls and ask your doctor for an assessment of your risk.
  • Regularly Review Medications with Your Doctor or Pharmacist – Make sure the medications you may be taking don’t have side effects that increase your risk of falling.
  • Have Vision and Hearing Checked Annually and Update Your Glasses – Some falls occur simply because a person cannot see well. Your eyes and ears are key to keeping you on your feet!
  • Keep Your Home Safe – Remove tripping hazards, increase lighting, make stairs safe and install grab bars in key areas.
  • Talk to Your Family Members – Enlist support in taking simple steps to stay safe. Falls are not just a seniors’ issue!

The South Shore YMCA is proud to offer A Matter of Balance, an 8-week evidence-based program developed at Boston University focused on practical strategies to prevent falls. Throughout the program, participants learn to view falls as controllable, set goals for increasing activity, make changes to reduce fall risks at home, and exercise to increase strength and balance. “We see a major improvement from participants after a few weeks of the program,” says Jane Kisielius, SSYMCA Medical Wellness Nurse and A Matter of Balance instructor.

For details and registration for A Matter of Balance, contact Jane Kisielius at jkisielius@ssymca.org.

To learn more about the fall prevention programs at the South Shore YMCA, visit ssymca.org/program/health/fall-prevention-senior-wellness.

Senior Health and Fitness Programs

The South Shore YMCA offers a variety of group exercise classes and programs for seniors who want to remain active by engaging in low-impact exercise to manage weight, control disease, improve strength, mobility and stability. Our classes and programs are led by caring, friendly instructors who are here to guide you safely, every step of the way. View Senior Fitness Programs